Solvo delivers anything within the sectors of maschine automation and process automation.
For instance, designing and building electrical panels or programming PLC's, HMI's and SCADA.
Contact us to hear more about how we can help your company out with your next automation solution.

Solvo. Programmering. PLC. HMI. Siemens. Allen-Bradley. Fejlfinding. Fjernsupport.



Solvo mainly provide solutions programming Siemens or Allen-Bradley hardware, but we also accept jobs concerning other brands.

In cases where it makes sense, we offer remote support of units in order to provide fast support and troubleshooting.

Building Electric Switchboards


Solvo delivers well designed panel solutions using high quality components. Panels as well as programmes can be of simple or complex design - we deliver on both, depending on the functions of your needs.

The panels are specified along with the customer and from these specifications, the documentation is made.

SCADA. Solvo ApS. PAssion for automation! Programmering. SRO.

Supervision of Machines and Processes


Solvo provide solutions within the SCADA control system architecture. SCADA comprises computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces for supervision of machines and processes.

It also covers sensors and alarms detecting events of interest.

Helhedsløsning. Mekanik. Programmering. Idriftsætning. Support. Projekter.

Looking for a Complete Solution?

comprehensive solution

Solvo provide solutions from your requirements.

In order to come up with the right solution for your company, we conduct a close dialogue with you about your preferences.

Solvos most distinguished task is to help you find a high-quality, long-lasting solution, that provides you value for money and great content. We are happy to deliver the comprehensive project. Please contact us to hear more about how we can help you.