We are proud of our results and we are happy to elaborate on our work. Here you can see a few examples of our results so far. Please do not hesitate to contact us in order to learn more about how we can deliver high-quality solutions within the field of industrial automation - just as you require.
The top video shows Solvo's simulation of the robot in FANUC's simulation software, ROBOGUIDE. The bottom video shows the robot in action after commissioning.
Optimisation of an Existing Facility
staal & plast
Solvo has optimised an existing facility used for unloading bags of material for the company Staal & Plast. The robot is a FANUC, and the optimisation has been carried out in relation to capacity, size, ease of use, and location in the production site.
The initial step was to simulate the proces, which indicated the prospect of compacting the area of the facility. This made it possible to move the facility to the most optimal place in relation to the use of material as well as accessibility of the operator.
As part of the task, the design of the gripper was adjusted in cooperation with the client's own machine shop. Due to the modification of the gripper, the robot now operates in more even and adequate motion. This not only reduces normal wear and tear of the robot but also stabilises it. At the same, time we implemented a scan-and-seek function that is carried out automatically when the gate of the facility has been opened. This function ensures that the robot finds out which bag to grab after changing of pallets, e.g. In this way, the robot always will grab the right bag without intervention of the operator even after manual events such as changing pallets.
With an intelligent modification of the gripper as well as new and well-considered programming, the risk of operating errors is reduced and the uptime of the facility is boosted. Now, the facility for unloading bags of material can easily be operated by the employees that already handle the main production facilities.
Solvo can supply your company with a similar or customised facility.
Small-Scale Automisation
Food-Production ApS produces delicate sauces for Danish restaurants. In some recipes water is added and, obviously, accuracy is important.
Among other things, Solvo has programmed and delivered water dosage controllings that have changed the weighing and adding of water from being manually handled into an automated proces. Now, with a press on a button the correct volume is added in a closed system.
"In the beginning we weighed water manually using a floor scale. This was inappropriate in several concerns. Now, this proces is optimised and performed in a much more exact and secure manner. Solvo understands our requirements and has great insight into the technical possibilities. Solvo has designed the programme to suit our recipes and it was easily installed within the existing production facilities."
This may be small-scale automation, but it makes a difference and value for money:
"This is an investment that has payed off", says Benni Olsen, co-owner of Food-Production along with Jesper Schmidt.
"We just make the sauce" - as Benni and Jesper say - and in such case it is a good thing for Food-Production to be able to contact Solvo for an automation solution. In that way, everyone can keep on doing, what they do best.
The top video shows Solvo's simulation of the robot in KUKA's simulation software, KUKA.Sim. The bottom video shows the robot in action and has kindly been made available by Idé-Pro.
A Robotic Solution in an Existing Facility
Idé-Pro Skive A/S is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of prototypes and production runs in plastic, light metal and EPS. Idé-Pro needed a robot to optimise production and such a robot was in stock with Solvo.
This robot now carries out a central function in the production of injection moulded items. The robot loads and place metallic items into the tool of the injection moulding machine. This operation was previously performed manually.
Since the facility already was in the possession of the company, Solvo's job was to deliver and programme the robot. In this automatisation proces Solvo also contributed to the design of the robotic tool.
Solving an assignment as this brings insight into both mechanics and programming into action. We are always delighted to see, how automation of existing facilities makes really good sense.
Based on a pre-project meticulously simulating the robot in KUKA.Sim, programming and integration of the robot and the facility took place.
Of course, our experienced engineers was there all the way until commissioning and delivering to the operator team.

Prototype Projekt
Enelift supplies the Energy Industry with automatic handling and transportation systems. The company's AULS system focus on reducing manual handling in this respect.
Solvo has contributed to the development of the hardware used for robotic removal and installation of end thread protectors for the pipes as part of the AULS system. Solvo has been part of the process from idea developing to implementing and testing on site.
This type of project is a good example of Solvo's strengths: experience with mechanics as well as with programming and robotic technology in combination gave us the best basis of contributing to the development. Even though Solvo's part in this project focused on developing and producing the tool of the robot and not the programming of it, our wide knowledge of possibilities and challenges that might occur in the process as a whole is important in order to reach a good result.
Photos and video shows from the top Solvo's model of the prototype part. The photo in the middle shows the prototype part installed on the robot, and the bottom video has kindly been made avaliable by Enelift and shows the entire AULS system in action.